Strong Future

The Summit County Strong Future fund contributed over $10 million dollars* in 2023 to behavioral health, childcare, public facilities, and wildfire mitigation.

Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health funding supports programs and organizations that address our community’s mental health and substance use disorder prevention and treatment programs and services.

2023 Behavioral Health Strong Future Spending

School Based Health with Summit Community Care Clinic - $223,403

Substance Abuse Services with Recovery Resources - $477,649

Community Response with SMART Team - $402,482

Intensive Outpatient Services with Mile High Behavioral Health - $113,615

Navigation Services with FIRC - $265,766

ALMA Program with FIRC - $175,693

Suicide Prevention with Building Hope - $91,540

Administration with Building Hope - $364,610

Outreach, Education & Community Programs with Building Hope including Immediate Access Therapy Program, Mini Grants, Scholarship Program and Equity Focused Services - $722,493

Special Projects - $557,396

Total $3,394,647


Wildfire funding supports prevention and mitigation programs to reduce the likelihood of large, severe wildfires and the disastrous effects they could have on lives, homes, forests, and drinking water supplies.

2023 Wildfire Strong Future Spending

Chipping Program - $250,846

HOA Neighbor Grant Matching - $455,860

US Forest Service Seasonal Crews - $736,799

Advertising - $22,105

Total $1,465,610

Summit County partners with local non-profits to put Strong Future funds to work for the benefit of our community.

Early Childhood

Early childhood funding supports providing the residents of Summit County with care that is safe, affordable and of high quality. Early childhood learning programs help retain the local, vibrant character of Summit County and continues to allow local businesses to keep quality workers, resulting in a stronger workforce and stronger year-round economy.

2023 Early Childhood Strong Future Spending

Tuition Assistance - $1,704,618

Administration - $167,948

Data & Evaluation - $60,627

Eligibility & Enrollment - $1,097

Professional Development - $5,983

Salary Support - $590,000

Special Projects - $100,000

TOTAL $2,630,273


Recycling funding supports programs and organizations that work to increase our waste diversion, including reducing trash volumes and doubling our community’s recycling rate, to protect natural resources, conserve energy and reduce our reliance on raw materials.

2023 Recycling Strong Future Spending

Recycling Center Support with Summit Roll-Offs - $170,503

Composting with HC3 - $340,958

Additional Recyclables including Glass Drop-Offs and Mattresses - $52,780

Outreach Programs with HC3 - $298,284

Solid Waste Recycling Program Support - $250,000

Total $1,112,525


Facilities funding is dedicated to buildings and facilities needed for the County to continue providing its current services to a growing number of County residents. The dollars are transferred to the County’s Capital Fund and combined with other sources of revenue to fund projects.

2023 Capital Fund Spending

2023 Capital Fund Spending

Library Expansions - Main & North - $2,400,000

Emergency Services Building Renovation - $80,000

Search & Rescue Building Renovation - $4,400,000

Wildflower Nature School Construction - $4,700,000

Shooting Range Noise Mitigation Renovation - $458,000

TOTAL $12,038,000*

*This total includes revenue from other sources that contribute to the Capital Fund, as well as $1,359,688 from 2023 Strong Future Facility dollars.

*All figures update in September 2024 according to final spending after official financial audit.